Gallus gallus
Silkie Bantam Chickens are a domestic breed named for their feathers, which are almost silk-like in appearance. The feathers come in a variety of colors, including black, white, blue, buff, brown, and gray. They may be bearded or non-bearded, but all have a crest of feathers on top of their heads. Feathers are present on their legs and feathers continue along the middle toe on each foot. They have short, stout legs ending in 5 toes, with three out front straight and the hind toe double. The Silkie Bantam is the only breed of bantam with black skin. The black skin is considered a delicacy in Asian cultures. Because they are such natural breeders they are also used as surrogates for other fowls. The males weigh about 4 pounds and the females 3 pounds. They are also polydactyly, having an extra toe on each foot.