Canis lupus dingo

The dingo has a head and body length of approximately 46 to 49 inches, and its tail length is 11 to 13 inches. Their shoulder height is about 20 inches with a weight of 22 to 44 pounds. They are usually tawny yellow in color, but some individuals are white, black, brown, rust, or other shades. The feet and the tip of the tail are often white. The dingo can be distinguished from other forms of canines by its longer muzzle, more massive molariform teeth, and longer, more slender canine teeth.

The oldest definitely known fossils of the dingo date from about 3,500 years ago, but other remains may be as old as 8,600 years. Humans arrived in Australia at least 30,000 years ago. The dingo evidently was brought in long afterward, but before true domestication had been achieved, and it was able to establish wild populations. There are also wild dog populations in New Guinea and Timor which are related to the dingo group. Median life expectancy is 10 years.
