Haliaeetus leucocephalus

The bald eagle is 30 to 31 inches in length and weighs 8 to 14 pounds. An eagle's wingspan is 6 to 7 feet. Adults (5-6 years) have a white head and white tail. Its distinguishing feature is its orange/yellow very deep and arched bill. The rest of the body is blackish. They have yellow feet with sharp black talons. Females are larger than males. Young birds lack the white head and tail, but have a larger wingspan and longer tail than do mature birds. The voice is squeaky cackling.

Migratory routes are chosen to take advantage of thermals, updrafts and food sources. Eagles congregate in winter to hunt and roost. Within a roost a hierarchy develops, the oldest and most aggressive eagles occupying the highest perches. Eagles hunt by swooping either from flight or perch, or while wading from shore, grabbing prey with either the bill or talons.

Bald is a synonym for white, not hairless, in this case. Only Alaska and Florida have sizable populations, with a median life span of 20 years.
