Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot

[Amazona aestiva]

The Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot's length is about 14.5 inches. General adult coloration is green, the feathers edged with dusky black, particularly on the neck and back. The forehead and anterior lores is blue, the fore-crown yellow tinged with white. The hind-crown, ear-coverts, anterior of cheeks and throat are yellow. The thighs are green suffused with yellow. The under and upper tail-coverts are yellowish-green, the bend of the wing red, the primary-coverts, dark green tipped with violet-blue, and the primaries, green becoming violet-blue toward the tips. The bill is gray, the iris orange, and the legs gray. Immatures are generally like the adults, but with blue and yellow on the head much reduced. In some birds the head is almost entirely green. The iris is dark brown.

Location: Education Animals



The range of the Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot is northeastern Brazil, south to Paraguay and northern Argentina.


The Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot inhabits wooded areas, from humid subtropical forest through deciduous chaco and cerrado woodlands, to strips of gallery forest in mostly open savanna or scrublands.

Conservation Status
Least Concern
Primary Threats


Incubation is about 29 days


Average clutch is 8 oval eggs


In many regions the Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot is the most abundant Amazona species, and often one of the more numerous parrots. It has a good reputation as a "talker." Though still common over much of its range, some local declines have been brought about by deforestation and capture for the pet trade. It seems capable of withstanding considerable habitat disturbance, provided that relatively large and secluded trees are available for nesting and roosting. Pairs or small flocks of these birds spend most of the day feeding and resting in the crown of trees, where their plumage blends extremely well with the foliage, so the only indication of their presence may be falling debris or pieces of fruit. While feeding they are tame and will generally allow a close approach, but if the disturbance persists, they will fly off in pairs, screeching loudly as they go. In flight they are very conspicuous, due to their constant screeching. From a distance the loud calls given in flight resemble cries of ''


Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot nests are in hollow in trees, or less frequently in holes in cliff-faces. Several pairs may nest close together. Eggs are laid about the end of the first week in April, and the first young fledged about the middle of July.

Wild Diet

Fruits, berries, seeds, nuts, blossoms and leaf buds. At times they attack crops, causing considerable damage.

Zoo Diet

Fruits, berries, seeds


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