Eastern Crested Guineafowl

[Guttera pucherani]

Eastern crested guineafowl are dark gray to black covered with whitish spots. The most recognizable feature is the short curly mop of black feathers on the head. The rest of the head and neck are bare with blue skin. There is red skin around the eye and on the neck, eyes are red, legs are dark brown to black. The females are slightly smaller than the males.

Location: Animals Formerly at Zoo



The range of the Eastern crested guineafowl is Somalia, Kenya, northeastern Tanzania, and on the islands of Zanzibar and Tumbatu.


Eastern crested guineafowl inhabit scrub or dense thickets and grass.

Conservation Status
Least Concern
Primary Threats


Eggs are Incubated for 23-28 days.


Clutch size: Normally 4-5 eggs, but up to 7


The guineafowl are monogamous with strong and long lasting pair bonds. They are generally sedentary, but can cover considerable distances during daily wanderings.


Guineafowl lay their eggs mainly during rains, but throughout the year in equatorial zone. The nest is a scrape on the ground with sparse lining, mainly of dead leaves and grass, usually well hidden. Chicks have down that has dark longitudinal stripes. They can fly at about 12 days, and are fledging at about 30 days.

Wild Diet

Insects, seeds, and roots

Zoo Diet



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